Sea of Stars Wiki

Combos are one of the four combat actions available to the party members in Sea of Stars. They are powerful dual attacks that allow for a variety of effects and are often a combination of two skills. Every combo requires its two party members to be in the combat and not knocked out, though only one turn is used. Every combo requires a certain number of Combo Points.

A combo regenerates MP to each participant, equivalent to the number of Combo Points spent to use it, though this mechanic did not exist prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" game update.

Solstice Strike[]

Solstice Strike is performed with Valere and Zale, and costs 1 Combo Point. The combo strikes a single enemy, 1 time if it is untimed, or 2 times in a row if it is timed. Each strike removes 1 Sword lock and 1 Blunt lock, removing a total of 2 each if the attack is timed. The initial hit also removes 1 Moon lock if Valere uses Live Mana, or 1 Sun lock if Zale uses Live Mana.

Similar to their regular attacks, a timed hit can be executed when striking the enemy, causing the Solstice Warrior duo to attack the enemy a second time.

Prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" game update, Solstice Strike regenerated 3 MP each rather than 1 MP each, and was the only combo to regenerate MP.

Mending Light[]

Mending Light is performed with Zale and Valere, and costs 3 Combo Points. The combo equally heals the entire active party.

Similar to Zale's Healing Light skill, a timed hit can be executed as the spiraling golden lights reach their peak, causing a burst of particles to appear overhead.

Prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" game update, Mending Light costed 2 Combo Points instead of 3 Combo Points.

Solar Rain[]

Solar Rain is performed with Zale and Garl, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes all enemies 2 times in a row if there are multiple enemies, or a single enemy 4 times in a row if it is the only enemy. This correlates with the number of Sun locks removed, removing 2 Sun locks from each enemy if there are multiple enemies, or 4 Sun locks from a single enemy if it is the only enemy.

Similar to Zale's Sunball skill, a timed hit can be executed by releasing the button as the Sunball reaches its maximum size but before it shrinks again.

Bash Drop[]

Bash Drop is performed with Valere and Garl, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy 1 time. It removes 1 Blunt lock, as well as 1 Moon lock if Valere uses Live Mana.

Similar to Garl's Hurl skill, a timed hit can be executed right before Garl launches Valere, causing her to launch further into the air, often going off-screen.


X-Strike is performed with Seraï and Zale, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes all enemies 3 times in a row, with the first strike removing 1 Venom lock and 1 Sword lock, the second strike removing 1 Venom lock and 1 Sword lock, and the third strike removing 1 Sun lock.

Seraï opens two portals crossing the enemies' path, and Zale enters through them, slicing all enemies twice before dealing damage. Similar to Zale's Dash Strike skill, a timed hit can be executed when Zale raises his sword.


Soonrang is performed with Valere and Zale, and costs 2 Combo Points. At minimum, the combo strikes a single enemy 1 time, but it can strike multiple enemies multiple times, removing 1 Sun lock and 1 Moon lock with each hit.

Valere and Zale create a sun-infused lunar projectile and launch it at a single enemy, which bounces off of the target and returns to them. Similar to Valere's Moonerang skill, timing a hit right as the Soonrang returns to the Solstice Warrior duo causes the projectile to bounce to the next enemy. The process repeats, cycling through all enemies in the same order, and the projectile speeds up with each hit. Soonrang continues indefinitely until an input is missed.

Moon Shiv[]

Moon Shiv is performed with Seraï and Valere, and costs 3 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy, 1 time if it is untimed, or 2 times in a row if it is timed. Each strike removes 1 Sword lock, 1 Venom lock, and 1 Moon lock, removing a total of 2 each if the attack is timed.

Similar to Seraï's Phase Shiv skill, a timed hit can be executed as she stabs the enemy, causing her to stab the enemy a second time.

Item Roulette[]

Item Roulette is performed with Seraï and Garl, and costs 1 Combo Point. Depending on the item, one of several effects can happen.

Object Effect
Item Roulette Anvil Anvil Deals damage to a single enemy 1 time. This attack has no damage type.
Item Roulette Clock Clock Delays the turn counter of all enemies by 1. Prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" game update, it delayed the turn counter of all enemies by 3.
Item Roulette Rubber Duck Rubber Duck Deals damage to all enemies 1 time. This attack has no damage type.
Item Roulette Picnic Basket Picnic Basket Equally heals the entire active party.
Item Roulette Piggy Bank Piggy Bank Gives 300 gold. Can be used multiple times before the end of the battle to stack the effect.

Arcane Moons[]

Arcane Moons is performed with Resh'an and Valere, and costs 1 Combo Point. The combo strikes all enemies 1 time. It removes 1 Moon lock and 1 Arcane lock each.

A timed hit can be executed as the flask-holding Moonerangs collide.

Venom Bomb[]

Venom Bomb is performed with Resh'an and Garl, and costs 1 Combo Point. The combo strikes a single enemy, and any nearby enemies, 1 time. It removes 1 Blunt lock and 1 Venom lock each.

Similar to Garl's Cooker Surprise skill, a timed hit can be executed the moment the explosion occurs.


Conflagrate is performed with Resh'an and Zale, and costs 3 Combo Points. The combo can strike multiple enemies multiple times, removing 1 Arcane lock and 1 Sun lock with each hit.

This combo cannot be timed, but the solar beam's direction can be controlled, which allows to either deal damage to multiple enemies or focus on a single enemy. In local co-op, players 2 and 3 each control their own smaller solar beam.

Arcane Barrage[]

Arcane Barrage is performed with Resh'an and Seraï, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy anywhere from 0 to 6 times in a row, and delays its turn counter by 0-2, depending on how many potions are kicked. Each strike removes 1 Arcane lock and 1 Blunt lock, removing a total of 6 each if the attack is timed.

A timed hit is executed when a potion reaches Seraï but before it hits the floor, causing Seraï to kick the potion at the enemy. With proper timing, up to 6 potions can be kicked.

Potions Kicked Turns Delayed
0 0
1-4 1
5-6 2

Prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" game update, an enemy was delayed for 0-3 turns, depending on how many potions were kicked.

Potions Kicked Turns Delayed (Prior to the "Dawn of Equinox" Update)
0 0
1-2 1
3 2
4-6 3


Moonrock is performed with Valere and B'st, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy, 1 time if it is untimed, or 2 times in a row if it is timed. Each strike removes 1 Blunt lock, 1 Moon lock, and 1 Arcane lock, removing a total of 2 each if the attack is timed.

B'st morphs into a ball while Valere shoots two Moonerangs at him before hitting him with her staff, sending him flying. A timed hit can be executed when B'st is being launched off of Valere's staff, which launches B'st a second time.

Arcane Sun[]

Arcane Sun is performed with Zale and B'st, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy when untimed, or all enemies when timed, 1 time. It removes 1 Sun lock and 1 Arcane lock each.

Similar to B'st's Power Smash skill, a timed hit can be executed the moment before the projectile hits the enemy, causing additional projectiles to appear and hit the remaining enemies.

Elbow Loop[]

Elbow Loop is performed with Seraï and B'st, and costs 2 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy 1 time. It removes 1 Venom lock, 1 Arcane lock, and 1 Blunt lock.

Similar to B'st's Elbow Drop skill, a timed hit can be executed during the second and third times B'st hits the ground, as well as on contact with the enemy.

Bottle Punch[]

Bottle Punch is performed with Resh'an and B'st, and costs 3 Combo Points. The combo strikes a single enemy, and any nearby enemies, 1 time. It removes 1 Blunt lock and 1 Venom lock each.

A timed hit can be executed the moment B'st punches the enemy.


HurlSmash is performed with Garl and B'st, and costs 1 Combo Point. If the targeted enemy has the property of being displaced, the combo displaces the targeted enemy, positioning it next to another enemy at random. This recipient is optional and can only exist if the targeted enemy is displaceable.

If the combo is untimed and the targeted enemy is not displaceable, then it strikes 1 enemy 2 times in a row. If the combo is untimed and the targeted enemy is displaceable, then it strikes 1 enemy 2 times in a row and 1 enemy 1 time.

If the combo is timed and the targeted enemy is not displaceable, then it strikes 1 enemy 2 times in a row and all other enemies 1 time. If the combo is timed and the targeted enemy is displaceable, then it strikes 2 enemies 2 times in a row and all other enemies 1 time.

The first strike on the targeted enemy removes 1 Arcane lock, while the second strike on the targeted enemy removes 1 Blunt lock while simultaneously removing 1 Blunt lock on the randomly targeted recipient if it exists. Finally, if the attack is timed, then 1 Arcane lock is removed on all enemies other than the targeted enemy.


Language Name Meaning
English English Combos -
Québécois Québécois Combos -
French French Combos -
German German Kombos Combos
Russian Russian Комбо
Spanish Spanish Combos -
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese Combos -
Korean Korean 콤보
Japanese Japanese コンボ
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 组合技
Zǔhé jì
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 組合技
Zǔhé jì

See Also[]

Sea of Stars
Game Sea of StarsThroes of the WatchmakerVersion Changes
Modes New Game +Difficulty PresetsLocal Co-Op
Gameplay CharactersEnemiesLocationsFeats
Collectables ItemsTreasuresLoot BagsGoldMerchants
Mechanics CombatSkillsCombosLevel UpSavingCampingCookingRestingSailingWeapon Skins
Minigames FishingWheels
Lore Campfire StoriesThe ChronophageCinematic CutscenesRunesARGDeveloper InterviewsThierry's Lore TidbitsShade of Kunus'nuku
Media Sea of Stars Original SoundtrackSea of Stars - Digital ArtbookSea of Stars: The Concept Art of Bryce Kho
Demos Backer DemoPublic Demo