Sea of Stars Wiki

"Us Docarri have a particular relationship with water, which our sensitive skin feels as very enveloping. It keeps us calm and composed."
     ― Villager

Docarri are characters in Sea of Stars.



Docarri are a race of humanoid aquatic creatures. They typically have blue or purple skin and wear orange or yellow clothing. Some of them wield tridents, which appear to be made from wood and an unknown teal material.


The tribe originally came from The Deep Blue, a location far below the seabed. They were a nomadic tribe that, following the guidance of the Oracle of Tides, settled closer and closer to the surface, eventually founding Docarri Village where they now permanently reside.


Though some Docarri do wield tridents, these are for the protection of the Oracle of Tides. In exchange for this protection, the Oracle of Tides informs the village of important events that he learns about when reading the waters of the world.

Their buildings appear to be large conch shells with vibrantly colored anemone, tube sponges, coral, and starfish growing around them. Each house has an outer chamber connected by an underwater passage to an inner chamber. These two chambers are where Docarri often socialize, though the inner chambers are also personalized by their owner, giving them a certain sense of privacy. That said, visitors may come and go as they please.

Docarri are drawn to the water; it keeps them calm and if they spend too much time outside of it, they feel compelled to enter it again. They can each spend a different amount of time outside the water; in fact, some Docarri remain entirely within their inner chamber. The tribe takes no offense at such choices and instead lets each Docarri interact with the others as much or as little as they want.

Main Story[]

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Notable Docarri[]

Image Name
Mirna Mirna
Oracle of Tides Oracle of Tides
Temple Servant Temple Servant


Language Name Meaning
English English Docarri -
Québécois Québécois Docarris -
French French Docarri -
German German Docarri -
Russian Russian Докари
Spanish Spanish docarri -
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese docarri -
Korean Korean 도카리
Japanese Japanese ドキャリ
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 多卡利
Duō kǎ lì
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 多卡瑞
Duō kǎ ruì





See Also[]

Characters in Sea of Stars
Playable Characters ZaleValereGarlSeraïResh'anB'stArtificer
Important NPC's The ArchivistBrugavesErlinaHeadmaster MoraineWyrdTwoFourOneElder MistTeaksMolekin ElderMalkomudValtraidCaptain Klee'shaëYolandeKeenathanGasparEdgarFerrymanDuke AventryRomayaQuiz MasterHortenceStormcallerCryptwalkerLambertOracle of TidesGorilla MatriarchKhukharrYomaraCaëlWatchmakerAephorulWentworthBrother CasuginAbstarakRachaterVerlotTsigLeJuggSoul CuratorElysan'darëlle
Other NPC's ThreeY'eetX'tolChiDarroRockieMr. ChestEdward RouletteQuilliamHumble Boast ChefHermit living in a wellBobMaster FishermanGaëtan PimentTemple ServantMirnaFalcon-eyed ParrotGreat EagleStrolling MinstrelLocketHammerToeSpikeSolenLuanaPuntieGuardianCedricAI CoreArena ClerkCroustalionChef BassBarma'thazël
Unseen NPC's Headmistress MoyaraThe TwinsKunus'nukuThe GluttonShredrickDeathT'korEwildaJoceBrochuElbiDubreux
Groups VillagersSolstice WarriorsFleshmancer AcolytesSeersTravel GolemsTraveling HistoriansMolekinLizardfolkOvatesPiratesThree SistersDwellersGuardian GodsDocarriBaby GorillasDivine SpiritsEngineer KidsSky GiantsSky Giants CouncilCyborgsLost OnesBirdmenTriumvirate of EminenceSongstersCultistsWorld Eaters
Fourth Wall NPC's ShopkeeperSaboTeam