This is a list of merchants in Sea of Stars . In total, there are 26 merchants spread across 19 different locations .
The Town of Lucent , Docarri Village , Mirth , and Repine have 2 merchants each. The Port Town of Brisk has 3 merchants, although a 4th merchant is temporarily available during a specific story segment. Similarly, the merchants in Clockwork Castle , Maelstrom Point , and Kiln Mountain are only temporarily available during certain story segments, making 4 of the 26 merchants unavailable by the end of the game.
Sunglow Lake [ ]
For the main article, see Sunglow Lake .
The merchant at Sunglow Lake.
Mountain Trail [ ]
For the main article, see Mountain Trail .
The merchant at the Mountain Trail.
Stonemasons Outpost [ ]
For the main article, see Stonemasons Outpost .
The merchant at Stonemasons Outpost.
Wind Tunnel Mines [ ]
For the main article, see Wind Tunnel Mines .
The merchant at the Wind Tunnel Mines.
Port Town of Brisk [ ]
For the main article, see Port Town of Brisk .
Equipment Store [ ]
The "Dawn of Equinox" game update introduced the Chef's Knife relic.
A merchant at the Port Town of Brisk.
Item Store [ ]
A merchant at the Port Town of Brisk.
Hidden Market [ ]
The Hidden Market is hidden underneath one of the docks and is accessible by swimming. Its merchant requires the Trader's Signet to open up the shop.
A merchant at the Port Town of Brisk.
Merchant [ ]
This Brisk merchant is only temporarily available after completing the Wraith Island segment of the game and disappears after departing for the Peninsula .
A merchant at the Port Town of Brisk.
Town of Lucent [ ]
For the main article, see Town of Lucent .
Equipment Store [ ]
A merchant at the Town of Lucent.
Item Store [ ]
A merchant at the Town of Lucent.
Haunted Mansion [ ]
For the main article, see Haunted Mansion .
The merchant at the Haunted Mansion only opens up shop after the defeat of the 2 nearby SpellBooks .
The merchant at the Haunted Mansion.
Docarri Village [ ]
For the main article, see Docarri Village .
Equipment Store [ ]
A merchant at Docarri Village.
Item Store [ ]
A merchant at Docarri Village.
Gold Tooth Price
2 G
1 G
4 G
3 G
28 G
25 G
Recipe: Bouillabaisse
160 G
144 G
Mirth [ ]
For the main article, see Mirth .
The Equipment Store and Item Store only become available after giving Bob the Shop Plans and speaking to the Docarri merchant inside of the lower-right building of Docarri Village .
Equipment Store [ ]
A merchant at the Town of Mirth.
Item Store [ ]
A merchant at the Town of Mirth.
Autumn Hills [ ]
For the main article, see Autumn Hills .
The merchant at Autumn Hills.
Gold Tooth Price
Ornate Bo
140 G
126 G
Oaken Armor
104 G
93 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
Hearty Stew
32 G
28 G
Music Sheet #4
56 G
50 G
Songshroom Marsh [ ]
For the main article, see Songshroom Marsh .
Yomara at Songshroom Marsh.
Gold Tooth Price
Maple Cork
136 G
122 G
Leaf Cape
96 G
86 G
Hearty Stew
32 G
28 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
24 G
21 G
Eye of Yomara
888 G
799 G
Clockwork Castle [ ]
For the main article, see Clockwork Castle .
Locket is only temporarily available as a merchant for certain story segments of the game. They disappear after defeating the Dweller of Strife , reappear after defeating The Catalyst , and disappear for the remainder of the game after talking to Caël post-Catalyst.
Locket at the Clockwork Castle.
Gold Tooth Price
Ornate Bo
140 G
126 G
Bamboo Slicer
140 G
126 G
Shroomy Shivs
144 G
129 G
Leaf Cape
96 G
86 G
Oaken Armor
104 G
93 G
Hearty Stew
32 G
28 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
24 G
21 G
Cloud Kingdom [ ]
For the main article, see Cloud Kingdom .
The merchant at Cloud Kingdom.
Gold Tooth Price
Cloud Sword
156 G
140 G
Oaken Armor
104 G
93 G
4 G
3 G
4 G
3 G
28 G
25 G
Hearty Stew
32 G
28 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
Recipe: Peach Strudel
150 G
135 G
Music Sheet #6
56 G
50 G
Maelstrom Point [ ]
For the main article, see Maelstrom Point .
Hortence is only temporarily available as a merchant at Maelstrom Point after completing the Air Elemental Skyland segment of the game. After defeating Hydralion , it is no longer possible to return to Maelstrom Point.
Hortence at Maelstrom Point.
Gold Tooth Price
Cypress Cork
164 G
147 G
Truesilver Daggers
168 G
151 G
Azure Cape
128 G
115 G
Mooncradle Fish Pie
36 G
32 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
Kiln Mountain [ ]
For the main article, see Kiln Mountain .
The Molekin at Kiln Mountain is only temporarily available as a merchant during the Kiln Mountain segment of the game. After defeating Toadcano , the Molekin leaves for the remainder of the game.
The merchant at Kiln Mountain.
Gold Tooth Price
Ornate Bo
140 G
126 G
Cypress Cork
164 G
147 G
Oaken Armor
104 G
93 G
Azure Cape
128 G
115 G
Hearty Stew
32 G
28 G
Peach Strudel
32 G
28 G
Repine [ ]
For the main article, see Repine .
Equipment Store [ ]
A merchant at Repine.
Gold Tooth Price
Adamantine Staff
168 G
151 G
Kybersteel Blade
168 G
151 G
Pliantshell Vest
144 G
129 G
Nano Injector
344 G
309 G
Item Store [ ]
A merchant at Repine.
Gold Tooth Price
4 G
3 G
4 G
3 G
6 G
5 G
4 G
3 G
6 G
5 G
18 G
16 G
Pain Doré
50 G
45 G
64 G
57 G
24 G
21 G
Recipe: Yakitori Shrimp
100 G
90 G
Lost Ones Hamlet [ ]
For the main article, see Lost Ones Hamlet .
The merchant at the Lost Ones Hamlet.
Gold Tooth Price
18 G
16 G
Pain Doré
50 G
45 G
64 G
57 G
24 G
21 G
4 G
3 G
4 G
3 G
6 G
5 G
4 G
3 G
Recipe: Pain Doré
110 G
99 G
Recipe: Gourmet Burger
160 G
144 G
Sky Base [ ]
For the main article, see Sky Base .
The merchant at Sky Base.
Gold Tooth Price
Neobsidian Staff
168 G
151 G
Plasma Blade
168 G
151 G
Plasma Daggers
184 G
165 G
Rosewood Cork
172 G
154 G
Sparkmesh Armor
152 G
136 G
Sparkmesh Cape
144 G
129 G
Cloudy Simulacrum
144 G
129 G
18 G
16 G
Pain Doré
50 G
45 G
24 G
21 G
Recipe: Surf and Turf Tataki
150 G
135 G
Fleshmancer's Lair [ ]
For the main article, see Fleshmancer's Lair .
The merchant at the Fleshmancer's Lair.
Gold Tooth Price
Neobsidian Staff
168 G
151 G
Plasma Blade
168 G
151 G
Plasma Daggers
184 G
165 G
Rosewood Cork
172 G
154 G
Sparkmesh Armor
152 G
136 G
Sparkmesh Cape
144 G
129 G
Cloudy Simulacrum
144 G
129 G
76 G
68 G
Pain Doré
50 G
45 G
24 G
21 G
Recipe: Lasagna
110 G
99 G
Recipe: Braisé
160 G
144 G