Sea of Stars Wiki

Meduso is a mini-boss in Sea of Stars. It is encountered in the Lost Ones Hamlet.



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Boss Fight[]


Meduso is fought with Zale, Valere, Seraï, and Resh'an as the available party members. Its head summons different-colored canisters, while its four limbs, which cannot be targeted, grab and utilize the canisters to perform various attacks on the party as well as heal itself. Breaking all of the locks on any canister destroys it and stops it from being used. The bottom two limbs are the only ones able to use blue canisters; otherwise, there are no color restrictions.

As Meduso takes damage, its face will deteriorate into a more skull-like appearance as its "skin" is destroyed until it is defeated. When its skin is partially peeled for its first four forms, healing allows it to revert to previous forms; however, once it reaches its fifth form, the final one which is fully peeled, it can no longer revert back to previous forms. Its appearance reflects the number and color of canisters it is able to summon.

Appearance Threshold # of Canisters Potential Canister Colors
Unblemished - 1 Red, green, blue
Cut on its left eye 84 HP depleted 2
Bruises, and vertical crack on forehead 250 HP depleted 3
Many cuts, and forehead peeled off 417 HP depleted 4
Entire face peeled off 833 HP depleted 4 Red, green, blue, purple

Meduso's summon attempt in round 1 always starts as a 1-turn counter. For the first 16 canisters, and for Meduso's first four forms if all limbs are free, Meduso has predetermined canister colors it will pull, though the lower-left limb pulls a random color (from red, green, and blue).

# Position Canister Color
1 Red
2 Green
3 Any
4 Blue
5 Red
6 Any
7 Green
8 Green
9 Red
10 Red
11 Any
12 Blue
13 Green
14 Any
15 Green
16 Red


Meduso (Grab Canisters)[]

Timer Summon Amount
2-3 (by default, first time is always 1, and defaults to 1 if only 1 party member is alive) Canister 1-4

Meduso's limbs bring out 1 to 4 canisters to use against the party, depending on Meduso's remaining health.

Red Canister (Plasma Fireball)[]

Locks Timer Target Strikes
SwordSun 2 1 party member 1

The red canister is crushed and releases three fireballs that simultaneously hit a single party member.

Green Canister (Soothe)[]

Locks Timer Heal Target Max Amount
SwordSwordSword 2 Meduso 59 HP

The green canister is injected into Meduso's head, healing it for 59, 49, or 39 HP, depending on the number of remaining locks.

Blue Canister (Drill Strike)[]

Locks Timer Target Strikes
SwordSword 1 1 party member 3

The blue canister allows Meduso to strike a single party member with a drill three times in a row.

Purple Canister (Sinferno)[]

Locks Timer Target Strikes
SwordArcaneVenomArcaneSword 3 All party members 1 each

The purple canister is only used when Meduso is at low health. Meduso ingests the canister contents and blows a large fire stream at all party members.

Main Story[]

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  • Eric W. Brown, the main composer and audio designer of Sea of Stars, contacted Mr. Bill, another musician, to contribute to the sound design of Meduso.[1]


Language Name Meaning
English English Meduso Male form of "Medusa."
Québécois Québécois Méduso Derived from "Méduse" (Medusa).
French French Méduso -
German German Meduso -
Russian Russian Медузо
Spanish Spanish Meduso -
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese Meduso -
Korean Korean 메두소
Japanese Japanese メデューソ
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 梅杜萨
Méi dù sà
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 機械美杜索
Jīxiè Měi dù suǒ
Mechanical Meduso



  1. Claw value
  2. "Displayed XP" is the data the game presents upon completion of a battle, and this value is derived from the internal XP multiplied by 2 then multiplied by the party level (internal XP * 2 * party level = displayed XP). If the player levels up, then the data presented in the "Displayed XP" columns of this chart becomes inaccurate, as the true displayed value is the sum of the internal XP multiplied among multiple party levels.
    Level Internal XP Internal ToK XP Internal XP (NG +) Internal ToK XP (NG +) Displayed XP Displayed ToK XP Displayed XP (NG +) Displayed ToK XP (NG +)
    1 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    2 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    3 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    4 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    5 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    6 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    7 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    8 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    9 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    10 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    11 200 240 50 60 4,400 5,280 1,100 1,320
    12 220 264 55 66 5,280 6,336 1,320 1,584
    13 240 288 60 72 6,240 7,488 1,560 1,872
    14 260 312 65 78 7,280 8,736 1,820 2,184
    15 280 336 70 84 8,400 10,080 2,100 2,520
    16 300 360 75 90 9,600 11,520 2,400 2,880
    17 320 384 80 96 10,880 13,056 2,720 3,264
    18 340 408 85 102 12,240 14,688 3,060 3,672
    19 360 432 90 108 13,680 16,416 3,420 4,104
    20 380 456 95 114 15,200 18,240 3,800 4,560
    21 400 480 100 120 16,800 20,160 4,200 5,040
    22 420 504 105 126 18,480 22,176 4,620 5,544
    23 440 528 110 132 20,240 24,288 5,060 6,072
    24 460 552 115 138 22,080 26,496 5,520 6,624
    25 480 576 120 144 24,000 28,800 6,000 7,200
    26 500 600 125 150 26,000 31,200 6,500 7,800
    27 520 624 130 156 28,080 33,696 7,020 8,424
    28 540 648 135 162 30,240 36,288 7,560 9,072
    29 560 672 140 168 32,480 38,976 8,120 9,744


Enemies in Sea of Stars
Tutorial Enemies Training DummyBrugavesErlina
Enemies LuslugTraining CroubeWandererRochèvreTernAnt BruiserSrowerDrillbatBushtrooCroubeMangler FishArcane SentryCrystal TulipLonzonWoodland SpiritArenteeBoulbeGulgulMermofwizquardRevenantMelee MateySpellBookWaltzersStrife MinionRanged MateyGarnooySkullpionPrapraSharksenalShrimp KnightGooGoonRochecrossidereBoulder DoucheSleuthBilePileTsiclopTockGrassassinFungtoiseShroomy Shroomy KnightCuckoo MonsterClock ZombieBraidzardSling RabbitFirecrackerBig BuggyKunus'nuku AcolyteTurretHoarsemechDroneRonin CowboyScoutAnointedOwlsassinYinkeMatsa'krun ClawStitcherOAF
Mini-Bosses WyrdSalamanderDuke AventryOne and ThreeTwo and FourMedusoSoul CuratorGun GoddessClockwork AbominationSylgain
Bosses BosslugElder MistMalkomud and SalamanderChromatic ApparitionRomayaBotanical HorrorDweller of WoeStormcallerDweller of TormentLeaf MonsterErlina and BrugavesFleshmancer AcolytesDweller of StrifeHydralionToadcanoGuardianTriumvirate of EminenceThe CatalystDweller of DreadLeJuggPhase ReaperElysan'darëlleSea SlugCroustalionAephorul
Beta Enemies ChumkayooWizcroube