Sea of Stars Wiki

The Mistral Bracelet is a key item in Sea of Stars. It is found in a large treasure chest at the Wind Tunnel Mines.


  • The Mistral Bracelet is called the "Push Bracelet" in older builds of Sea of Stars.[1]


Key Items in Sea of Stars
Keys Cookie JarDocarri Seal Fragment ADocarri Seal Fragment BDocarri Seal Fragment CSolstice Shrine Key AAventry LocketSolstice Shrine Key BDuke Aventry's KeyGilded InvitationHook of TimeFish KeyFishing Dungeon KeyRomaya's JournalRainbow StarCypherData StripTrader's SignetBig JarFish?Crystal EggProbeWireplate SheetKyber OrePower UnitCrane Operator ID CardBlueprint DiscImmaculate PearlCobalt HammerWind KeyTriangular SlabHexagonal SlabDeployable Wheels TableMaster KeyYomara's KeyGarden KeyVial of TimeSolstice AmuletValveYellow PearlPurple PearlPink PearlGreen PearlBlue PearlSapphire KeyCoral HammerMoraine's Office KeyEvermist Shrine KeySeashellMagic SeashellCursed DoubloonsMapShed KeyTurbo CookieGraplouMaster Ghost SandwichOrdinary Ghost SandwichKnight's HelmCrownYellow FlameSoul StoneGreen FlameCoin of Undeath AccordGolden WatchRed CrystalBlue CrystalGreen CrystalMistral BraceletMines KeyOrnate StoneForbidden Cavern Key
Question Packs Question Pack #1Question Pack #2Question Pack #3Question Pack #4Question Pack #5Question Pack #6Question Pack #7Question Pack #8Question Pack #9Question Pack #10Question Pack #11
Music Sheets Music Sheet #1Music Sheet #2Music Sheet #3Music Sheet #4Music Sheet #5Music Sheet #6Music Sheet #7
Artifacts Stone Tablet PieceRomaya's HairpinAncient Molekin CloakCloudy ShardOld Coral VaseCelestial Willow LeafAventry CrestBroken HandleCog PrototypeJoce's Belt Buckle
Building Plans Inn PlansSpa PlansShop PlansFishing Hut Plans
Wheels Assassin FigurinePriest FigurineEngineer FigurineArcher FigurineMage FigurineWarrior FigurinePlatinum WheelDiamond WheelGold WheelSilver WheelBronze WheelCopper Wheel
Collectibles Flimsy HammerRainbow Conch