Sea of Stars Wiki
Sea of Stars Wiki

The public demo is the demo version of Sea of Stars that takes place on Sleeper Island. It initially released in 2023 on February 8 for the Nintendo Switch, June 19 for Steam, July 11 for Xbox, and July 25 for the PlayStation 4/5.

The public demo was removed from Steam on March 1, 2024.

Main Story[]

The public demo's story is a direct slice of the final game's story with minor differences. In the final game, this section occurs after leaving Evermist Island for the first time.

The demo starts with a cutscene of Y'eet's golem ball flying through the air towards Sleeper Island, which is then caught by X'tol. Garl, Zale, and Valere give commentary upon exiting the golem ball, and after the cutscene ends, the player is given control of party, where they explore X'tol's Landing and fight a couple of Wanderers. When the party exits the area, the camera pans up to Seraï, who is referred to as "???" in her singular dialogue box consisting of ellipsis. She observes the party from a tall cliff then leaves through a portal she creates with her daggers. After some narration, the demo instantly skips to The Humble Boast in the Port Town of Brisk.

A story cutscene introduces the party chatting with Teaks about the nearby band of pirates, and afterwards, the player is given control of the party again. They approach and speak with Yolande, agreeing to her deal, which results in the next story cutscene, involving an arm-wrestling match. After losing the match against Valtraid, the party is directed by Captain Klee'shaë to head to the Abandoned Wizard's Lab to retrieve the Coin of Undeath Accord. There, they explore the lab, solving puzzles and fighting enemies. They gather the Green, Blue, and Red Crystals, creating a portal in order to reach the Chromatic Apparition. They defeat it, and the demo ends as the screen fades to white, followed by the completion screen.

Major Differences[]


  • After leaving X'tol's Landing, the sections involving everything from the Moorlands to the Coral Cascades is skipped, and after some narration, the party is instantly transported to The Humble Boast at the Port Town of Brisk.
  • The placement and dialogue of some NPC's is changed.
  • Throughout X'tol's Landing and the Abandoned Wizard's Lab, there are multiple signs explaining basic game mechanics.
  • Landing the final hit on the Chromatic Apparition ends the public demo instead of awarding the Coin of Undeath Accord.


  • The Humble Boast plays the default Port Town of Brisk theme, "Port Town (Day)." In the final game, the default music track is instead "The Humble Boast Tavern."
  • During the arm-wrestling match against Valtraid, the normal combat theme, "Battle On!", plays. In the final game, the music track is instead "Skirmish for Glory!"

Traversable Areas[]

  • The door of The Humble Boast's deckhouse is open and can be accessed during the day. Interacting with the fireplace will set up a camp like normal.
  • Guards prevent the player from accessing the upper level of the Port Town of Brisk. When spoken to, they state, "Apologies, this area is off limits for the Demo."
  • There is no ledge to climb to reach the sands of the Hidden Market.
  • On the world map, if the player tries to access Coral Cascades, dialogue from SaboTeam pops up, explaining that the area is inaccessible in the public demo, though the player may feel free to stand there in order to listen to Yasunori Mitsuda's first guest track.
    • Because of this, the player cannot return to X'tol's Landing after leaving.


  • When starting up the public demo, a message is displayed, noting that the game is still a work in progress and various features are subject to change. A similar message is displayed at the bottom of the title screen.
  • On the title screen, the word "DEMO" is appended beneath the Sea of Stars logo.
  • Seraï's nameplate color is red-orange instead of light green.
  • Save Points have a counter that shows how many times the player saved.
  • If the entire party gets eliminated, the player is brought back to the title screen instead of being shown the Game Over screen.
  • Interacting with a campfire instantly sets up a camp instead of giving the player the option to "Cook" or "Rest."
  • Lavish Lake is named "Fishing Lake."



  • All three shops in the Port Town of Brisk carry different items in the public demo.
  • The Trader's Signet is not required to buy items from the Hidden Market.
  • The content and layout of certain treasure chests in the Port Town of Brisk and the Abandoned Wizard's Lab are altered in the public demo.
  • Grains grow at the Fishing Lake.
  • The Silver Sword is known as the Silver Blade.

Item Stats[]

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Item Descriptions[]

Public Demo Item Public Demo Description Final Game Description Final Game Item
Chaudrée As good as the pepper you grind on it. As good as the pepper you grind into it. Chaudrée
Green Leaf Max HP +20. Max HP +15. Green Leaf
Abacus Show non-boss enemies HP in combat. Displays non-boss enemies HP in combat. Abacus
Eye of Yomara Show weaknesses and non-boss enemy HP in combat. Displays weaknesses, resistances and non-boss enemy HP in combat. Eye of Yomara
Solstice Mage Ring Party members recover 1MP when they time a block. Party members recover 1 MP when they time a block. Solstice Mage Ring
Fish Filleted from fresh fish. Filleted from common fish. Fish
Egg Easy to learn and hard to master, but always nutritious. Easy to learn. Hard to master. Always nutritious. Egg
Amulet of Storytelling Max HP +100 and auto-heal up to 75% after combat. Max HP +100% and auto-heal after combat. Amulet of Storytelling
Sequent Flare Successfuly [sic] timing hits and blocks causes a star flare to fly out of the character. Recommended for those preferring stronger feedback. Successfully timing hits and blocks causes a star flare to fly out of the character for a clear-as-day confirmation that the input was properly timed. Recommended for those preferring stronger feedback, or while closing in on the mastery of certain moves. Sequent Flare


Public Demo Type Public Demo Final Game Final Game Type
Golden Watch Public Demo Golden Watch Icon Golden Watch Icon Golden Watch
Seashell Seashell (Public Demo) Icon Rainbow Conch Icon Rainbow Conch
Scroll of Bash Drop Scroll of Bash Drop Icon - Scroll of Bash Drop
Grains Public Demo Grains Icon Grains Icon Grains
Valuable Public Demo Valuable Icon Valuable Icon Valuable
Artifact Item Category Category Artifact Icon - -
Valuable Item Category Public Demo Category Valuable Icon Category Valuable Icon Valuable Item Category

Talk Portraits[]

Character Public Demo Final Game
Valere Public Demo Portrait Valere Portrait Valere
Zale Public Demo Portrait Zale Portrait Zale
Garl Public Demo Portrait Garl Portrait Garl
Seraï Public Demo Portrait Seraï Portrait Seraï
Teaks Public Demo Portrait Teaks Portrait Teaks
Keenathan Public Demo Portrait Keenathan Portrait Keenathan
Yolande Public Demo Portrait Yolande Portrait Yolande
Valtraid Public Demo Portrait Valtraid Portrait Valtraid
Captain Klee'shaë Public Demo Portrait Captain Klee'shaë Portrait Captain Klee'shaë
SaboTeam Public Demo Portrait SaboTeam -


Equipment Store[]

Item Price
Lid Icon Rock Lid 44 G
Trinket Icon Power Belt 110 G

Item Store[]

Item Price
Potato Icon Potato 3 G
Public Demo Grains Icon Grains 6 G
Egg Icon Egg 9 G
Dairy Icon Dairy 6 G
Snack Icon Herbed Filet 12 G
Snack Icon Chaudrée 18 G

Hidden Market[]

Item Price
Trinket Icon Arcane Amulet 200 G
Orange Relic Icon Artful Gambit 350 G
Party Trinket Icon Eye of Yomara 888 G

Other Available Items[]

Starting Inventory[]

Item Category Item Quantity
Category Snack Icon Snacks Snack Icon Herbed Filet x3
Snack Icon Berry Jam x2
Party Snack Icon Mushroom Soup x2
Category Key Item Icon Key Items Cookie Jar Icon Cookie Jar x1
Category Artifact Icon Artifacts Mistral Bracelet Icon Mistral Bracelet x1
Category Ingredient Icon Ingredients Mushroom Icon Mushroom x18
Potato Icon Potato x4
Red Berry Icon Red Berry x22
Tomato Icon Tomato x4
Lettuce Icon Lettuce x5
Grains Icon Grains x9
Dairy Icon Dairy x6
Category Weapon Icon Weapons Lid Icon Cauldron Lid x1
Blade Icon Squire Sword x1
Staff Icon Copper Staff x1
Category Armor Icon Armor Armor Icon Adventurer's Vest x1
Armor Icon Basic Armor x2
Category Trinket Icon Trinkets Party Trinket Icon Abacus x1
Blue Relic Icon Relics Blue Relic Icon Amulet of Storytelling x1
Blue Relic Icon Sequent Flare x1


Snack Ingredients
Snack Icon Berry Jam Red Berry Icon Red Berry x5
Party Snack Icon Mushroom Soup Mushroom Icon Mushroom x6
Dairy Icon Dairy x2
Snack Icon Herbed Filet Fish Icon Fish x2
Public Demo Grains Icon Grains x1


Location Quantity Item
X'tol's Landing 1x Party Trinket Icon Solstice Mage Ring
90x Gold Icon Gold
Port Town of Brisk 1x Seashell (Public Demo) Icon Seashell
6x Seafood Icon Seafood
1x Public Demo Valuable Icon Teal Amber Ore
1x Seashell (Public Demo) Icon Seashell
1x Armor Icon Pirate Garb
Abandoned Wizard's Lab 1x Green Crystal Icon Green Crystal
1x Staff Icon Teal Amber Staff
1x Blue Crystal Icon Blue Crystal
1x Blade Icon Silver Blade
1x Red Crystal Icon Red Crystal
1x Public Demo Golden Watch Icon Golden Watch
1x Scroll of Bash Drop Icon Scroll of Bash Drop
1x Armor Icon Mage-Knight Armor
1x Trinket Icon Green Leaf

Farmable Ingredients[]

Ingredient Locations
Public Demo Grains Icon Grains X'tol's Landing (limited)
Fishing Lake
Defeat Wanderers
Potato Icon Potato X'tol's Landing (limited)
Red Berry Icon Red Berry Defeat Wanderers
Seafood Icon Seafood Defeat Wizcroubes

Farmable Fish[]

Fish Fillet Location
Man o'War Icon Man o'War Seafood Icon Seafood x2 Fishing Lake
Lunar Trout Icon Lunar Trout Fish Icon Fish x2 Fishing Lake
Abandoned Wizard's Lab
Crimson Bass Icon Crimson Bass Fish Icon Fish x4 Fishing Lake

Patch Notes[]

For the main article, see Public Demo Version Changes.


Sea of Stars
Game Sea of StarsThroes of the WatchmakerVersion Changes
Modes New Game +Difficulty PresetsLocal Co-Op
Gameplay CharactersEnemiesLocationsFeats
Collectables ItemsTreasuresLoot BagsGoldMerchants
Mechanics CombatSkillsCombosLevel UpSavingCampingCookingRestingSailingWeapon Skins
Minigames FishingWheels
Lore Campfire StoriesThe ChronophageCinematic CutscenesRunesARGDeveloper InterviewsThierry's Lore TidbitsShade of Kunus'nuku
Media Sea of Stars Original SoundtrackSea of Stars - Digital ArtbookSea of Stars: The Concept Art of Bryce Kho
Demos Backer DemoPublic Demo