Sea of Stars Wiki

Ranged Matey is an enemy in Sea of Stars. After completing "The Sea of Nightmare" section of the game, and defeating the Ranged Mateys in Dweller's Fall Arena, it becomes impossible to fight additional Ranged Mateys.



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Regular Attack[]

Ranged Matey twirls its pistols and shoots them both simultaneously at a single party member.

Bubble Drop[]

Ranged Matey traps a single party member in a bubble, lifts them up, and pops the bubble to drop them to the ground.


Thunder is exclusive to the left Ranged Matey encountered during Silver Rank of Dweller's Fall Arena. Two lightning bolts strike on either side of all party members, followed by a third strike which hits each target.


Language Name Meaning
English English Ranged Matey -
Québécois Québécois Matelot Ranged Ranged Sailor
French French Matelot à distance Ranged sailor
German German Fernkampf-Schwester Ranged Combat Sister
Russian Russian Друг-воитель
Warrior friend
Spanish Spanish Marinero Delejos Far-Away Sailor
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese Marujo Pistoleiro Gunslinger Sailor
Korean Korean 원거리 선원
Wongeoli Seon-won
Long-Distance Sailor
Japanese Japanese レンジメイティ
Renji Meiti
Range Matey
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 远程水手
Yuǎnchéng Shuǐshǒu
Remote Sailor
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 遠程水手
Yuǎnchéng Shuǐshǒu
Remote Sailor





  1. "Displayed XP" is the data the game presents upon completion of a battle, and this value is derived from the internal XP multiplied by 2 then multiplied by the party level (internal XP * 2 * party level = displayed XP). If the player levels up, then the data presented in the "Displayed XP" columns of this chart becomes inaccurate, as the true displayed value is the sum of the internal XP multiplied among multiple party levels.
    Level Internal XP Internal ToK XP Displayed XP Displayed ToK XP
    1 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    2 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    3 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    4 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    5 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    6 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    7 26 32 364 448
    8 22 27 352 432
    9 18 22 324 396
    10 15 18 300 360
    11 12 15 264 330
    12 9 11 216 264
    13 6 8 156 208
    14 3 4 84 112
    15 1 2 30 60
    16 1 2 32 64
    17 1 2 34 68
    18 1 2 36 72
    19 1 2 38 76
    20 1 2 40 80
    21 1 2 42 84
    22 1 2 44 88
    23 1 2 46 92
    24 1 2 48 96
    25 1 2 50 100
    26 1 2 52 104
    27 1 2 54 108
    28 1 2 56 112
    29 1 2 58 116
Enemies in Sea of Stars
Tutorial Enemies Training DummyBrugavesErlina
Enemies LuslugTraining CroubeWandererRochèvreTernAnt BruiserSrowerDrillbatBushtrooCroubeMangler FishArcane SentryCrystal TulipLonzonWoodland SpiritArenteeBoulbeGulgulMermofwizquardRevenantMelee MateySpellBookWaltzersStrife MinionRanged MateyGarnooySkullpionPrapraSharksenalShrimp KnightGooGoonRochecrossidereBoulder DoucheSleuthBilePileTsiclopTockGrassassinFungtoiseShroomy Shroomy KnightCuckoo MonsterClock ZombieBraidzardSling RabbitFirecrackerBig BuggyKunus'nuku AcolyteTurretHoarsemechDroneRonin CowboyScoutAnointedOwlsassinYinkeMatsa'krun ClawStitcherOAF
Mini-Bosses WyrdSalamanderDuke AventryOne and ThreeTwo and FourMedusoSoul CuratorGun GoddessClockwork AbominationSylgain
Bosses BosslugElder MistMalkomud and SalamanderChromatic ApparitionRomayaBotanical HorrorDweller of WoeStormcallerDweller of TormentLeaf MonsterErlina and BrugavesFleshmancer AcolytesDweller of StrifeHydralionToadcanoGuardianTriumvirate of EminenceThe CatalystDweller of DreadLeJuggPhase ReaperElysan'darëlleSea SlugCroustalionAephorul
Beta Enemies ChumkayooWizcroube