Sea of Stars Wiki

Srower is an enemy in Sea of Stars.

Compendium Description[]


A former bodyguard that turned into a monster along with the wandering merchant it was protecting. Fights using bombs and a flame rod.

Compendium Sightings Icon Sightings Moorlands, Wind Tunnels Mine
Compendium Monster type Icon Monster type Cursed



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Srower is a blue humanoid creature. Located on the forehead of its round, noseless head is a mark of which only a small, orange part in the shape of a triangle pointing down is visible peeking from underneath its white turban with earflaps, between its large circular eyes and above fish-like lips. Its four-fingered bandaged hands are covered with brown fingerless gloves, neck with a brown bandana, and cloth-wrapped torso with a navy vest. It wears beige pants with big, orange rhomboidal patches at its knees and brown shoes, with white stripes and sole, of which point is rising at about 67°. To attack, Srower uses a flame rod, made out of a cane with both ends wrapped in cloth and lit on fire, and bombs stored in the basket on its back.


Regular Attack[]

Timer Target Strikes
1-3 1 party member 1

Srower throws its spinning flame rod at a single party member.


Locks Timer Target Strikes
2-lock permutation, allowing for repetition, of SwordSunMoon 2 All party members 1 each

Srower reaches for its bombs and throws one at each party member.


  • Srower is referred to as "BombThrower" in the picture files.
  • In the Sabotage Studio Discord, a custom animated emoji named :boom:, based on an explosion animation from The Messenger, had a minor conflict with a default emoji that was already named :boom:. To avoid the name conflict, Boo, a moderator in the Sabotage Studio Discord, creatively renamed the custom emoji to :boomsplosion:.[1] It later became immortalized in Sea of Stars as the name of Srower's special move, Boomsplosion.


Language Name Meaning
English English Srower Derived from the word "thrower."
Québécois Québécois Tireux -
French French Pyros Derived from the word "pyro," a prefix for terms related to fire.
German German Flammenwächter Flame Guardian
Russian Russian Метатель
Spanish Spanish Arrojabombas Bomb Thrower
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese Andarilho Vagabond
Korean Korean 봉투사
Japanese Japanese スロワー
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 炸弹魔
Zhàdàn Mó
Bomb Demon
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 炸彈魔
Zhàdàn Mó
Bomb Demon



Compendium Artwork[]

Compendium Sprites[]

Compendium Screenshots[]

See Also[]


  1. "Displayed XP" is the data the game presents upon completion of a battle, and this value is derived from the internal XP multiplied by 2 then multiplied by the party level (internal XP * 2 * party level = displayed XP). If the player levels up, then the data presented in the "Displayed XP" columns of this chart becomes inaccurate, as the true displayed value is the sum of the internal XP multiplied among multiple party levels.
    Level Internal XP Internal ToK XP Displayed XP Displayed ToK XP
    1 Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
    2 12 15 48 60
    3 9 11 54 66
    4 6 8 48 64
    5 5 6 50 60
    6 4 5 48 60
    7 3 4 42 56
    8 2 3 32 48
    9 1 2 18 36
    10 1 2 20 40
    11 1 2 22 44
    12 1 2 24 48
    13 1 2 26 52
    14 1 2 28 56
    15 1 2 30 60
    16 1 2 32 64
    17 1 2 34 68
    18 1 2 36 72
    19 1 2 38 76
    20 1 2 40 80
    21 1 2 42 84
    22 1 2 44 88
    23 1 2 46 92
    24 1 2 48 96
    25 1 2 50 100
    26 1 2 52 104
    27 1 2 54 108
    28 1 2 56 112
    29 1 2 58 116


Enemies in Sea of Stars
Tutorial Enemies Training DummyBrugavesErlina
Enemies LuslugTraining CroubeWandererRochèvreTernAnt BruiserSrowerDrillbatBushtrooCroubeMangler FishArcane SentryCrystal TulipLonzonWoodland SpiritArenteeBoulbeGulgulMermofwizquardRevenantMelee MateySpellBookWaltzersStrife MinionRanged MateyGarnooySkullpionPrapraSharksenalShrimp KnightGooGoonRochecrossidereBoulder DoucheSleuthBilePileTsiclopTockGrassassinFungtoiseShroomy Shroomy KnightCuckoo MonsterClock ZombieBraidzardSling RabbitFirecrackerBig BuggyKunus'nuku AcolyteTurretHoarsemechDroneRonin CowboyScoutAnointedOwlsassinYinkeMatsa'krun ClawStitcherOAF
Mini-Bosses WyrdSalamanderDuke AventryOne and ThreeTwo and FourMedusoSoul CuratorGun GoddessClockwork AbominationSylgain
Bosses BosslugElder MistMalkomud and SalamanderChromatic ApparitionRomayaBotanical HorrorDweller of WoeStormcallerDweller of TormentLeaf MonsterErlina and BrugavesFleshmancer AcolytesDweller of StrifeHydralionToadcanoGuardianTriumvirate of EminenceThe CatalystDweller of DreadLeJuggPhase ReaperElysan'darëlleSea SlugCroustalionAephorul
Beta Enemies ChumkayooWizcroube