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The Chronophage is a magic device in Sea of Stars. It was placed in the Moorlands by Resh'an. Defeating Elysan'darëlle is mandatory to trigger its monoliths to glow.


The Chonophage is round and pink with a golden casing. It resides in the center depression of a large round monolith. This monolith is the top of a ring consisting of seven other monoliths, which are vertically-shaped and covered in engravings. These engravings can glow pink.

Main Story[]

The Chronophage is a mysterious magical device seen manifesting into the Moorlands after the player completes the initial ending by defeating Elysan'darëlle. This allows the seven nearby vertical monoliths to have their engravings begin glowing pink when certain activities are completed. The upper-left monolith glows by default, symbolizing Elysan'darëlle's defeat, though the other monoliths will simultaneously begin glowing after her defeat if the appropriate prerequisites have already been met.

If The Chronophage is not fully activated, interacting with the device simply states "The mysterious device is inactive." Monoliths that have not been completed yet can be interacted with to see a vision, a sprite of the character that has a connection with the interacted monolith, on a black background. Five of the seven monoliths are tied to characters who request the party leader's help when spoken to either at a campfire or on The Vespertine after defeating the Dweller of Dread. Once a prerequisite is met, the camera shifts to the Moorlands to display a new monolith glowing.

When The Chronophage is fully activated, the party can interact with it to begin a cutscene. B'st explains that Resh'an briefed him on The Chronophage while he was producing B'st's Living Glass form. The former describes the device as Resh'an's parting gift for Zale and Valere, enchanted to activate to the two's initial deeds as up-and-coming Guardian Gods. B'st knows that the device is safe and that it will take Zale, Valere, and himself to an unknown place, after being provided the memento of a happy memory.

After using the Cookie Jar, the trio find themselves in the time loop created by Resh'an at the Clockwork Castle, the moment before Garl's fatal injury. While Resh'an distracts Aephorul, the party leader grabs Garl. The two Solstice Warriors leave with Garl in tow and return back to the Moorlands, while B'st takes Garl's place, shapeshifting into Garl's form. Later, the party retrieves B'st from underneath the ground beneath the Celestial Willow at Mooncradle.

The Quiz Master describes The Chronophage during a quiz question, stating that Resh'an placed an anchor in time linked to a magic device (The Chronophage) which he would later place in the Moorlands.


Monolith Vision Goal Instructions
Upper-left - Defeat Elysan'darëlle. Navigate to the end of the Fleshmancer's Lair and defeat Elysan'darëlle during the initial ending.
Left Mirna Obtain and lose the Rainbow Star. Collect all 60 Rainbow Conches and give them to Mirna in Docarri Village. The player receives the Rainbow Star as their reward, which is stated to fly away, causing this monolith to glow.
Lower-left Valere or Zale Defeat the Elder Mist as the final Solstice Shrine challenge. Valere or Zale, whoever is not the party leader, acts as the quest-giver of this task. Complete all 5 Solstice Shrines in order to open a portal at the top cave of the Mountain Trail. Enter it and defeat the Elder Mist at the Elder Mist Trials as the final challenge.
Down B'st Conquer Dweller's Fall Arena. B'st acts as the quest-giver of this task. Participate in Dweller's Fall Arena at the Port Town of Brisk and conquer Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Special Rank.
Lower-right Seraï Defeat the Gun Goddess. Seraï acts as the quest-giver of this task. Optionally, speak to Seraï at a campfire to receive Joce's Belt Buckle; after speaking to Teaks, decipher this item's instructions. Navigate through the Cerulean Expanse in order to reach the Throne of The Queen That Was. Defeat the Gun Goddess.
Right Duke Aventry Free Duke Aventry's soul by handing him the Aventry Locket. Hortence acts as the quest-giver of this task. Optionally, speak to Hortence on The Vespertine, who directs you to speak to Yolande, who directs you to speak to Yomara in Songshroom Marsh, who hints you could peer into her cauldron. Peering into it shows the three symbols located at the Flooded Graveyard that are required to solve the puzzle at Romaya's Secret Passage. Solve the puzzle there, then obtain Romaya's Journal and hand it to Duke Aventry to receive the Yellow Flame. Use the Yellow Flame with the Ferryman to reach the Half-Sunken Tower. Defeat Romaya to obtain the Aventry Locket, then hand the item to Duke Aventry.
Upper-right Resh'an Open the treasure chest guarded by the Sea Slug. Resh'an's puppet acts as the quest-giver of this task. Optionally, speak to Resh'an's puppet at a campfire, who directs you via a map marker to investigate the Solstice Platform floating island. Activating the mechanism there causes four light crystals to emerge from the ocean. Optionally, Resh'an's puppet can be spoken to again to see the three main points of interest on the map. Go to those places and activate them by changing the time of day appropriately to reveal whirlpools. Enter the whirlpools linked to the three Sunken Docarri Ruins, and solve their puzzles to obtain all three Docarri Seal Fragments. Unlock the door in the Sealed Docarri Ruins and defeat the Sea Slug residing within. Past it, open the very large treasure chest.


Language Name Meaning
English English The Chronophage -
Québécois Québécois Le Chronophage The Chronophage
French French Le Chronophage The Chronophage
German German Den Chronophagen The Chronophage
Russian Russian Хронофаг
Spanish Spanish El Cronófago The Chronophage
Brazilian-Portuguese Brazilian-Portuguese Cronófago Chronophage
Korean Korean 크로노페이지
Japanese Japanese クロノファージ
Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese 噬时阵
Shì shí zhèn
Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese 噬時體
Shì shí tǐ


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